Since i was about nine years old I always wanted to cut hair I loved the way barbers could interact with people and how people could come to the barbershop and escape lifes problems and i would always tell my barber i was gonna be a barber.It then turned into me coming into the shop every Saturday and stay all day to learn and watch when I turned fifteen my mother asked me for christmas what i wanted and I told her some clippers. I began interacting with classmates and and friends at school I even went as far as getting some business cards made.Throughout high school I made my money cuting hair after school and on the weekends. When I became a senior my mentor began preparing me to make a career in barbering I also share a strong passion for barbering. I am currently in pursuit of taking my career to the next level and by that I am Interested in doing haircuts for photo shoots,commercials,movies,etc *****[email protected]*****